12.2.2019 9:29
https://www.mvcr.cz/clanek/vyberove-rizeni-na-sluzebni-misto-vrchniho-ministerskeho-rady-v-oddeleni-geoinformatiky-id-30355645-765302.aspx https://www.mvcr.cz/clanek/vyberove-rizeni-na-sluzebni-misto-ministerskeho-rady-v-oddeleni-geoinformatiky-id-30355683-43095.aspx https://www.mvcr.cz/clanek/oeg-vyberove-rizeni-na-sluzebni-misto-vrchniho-ministerskeho-rady-v-oddeleni-geoinformatiky-id-30252924.aspx
3.2.2019 18:59
Geographic Information Science (GIS) Specialist – Scholarly Commons Academic Professional University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign Position Available: Position available immediately. This is a 100% time, 12 month appointment academic position in the University Library. Position Function/Summary: The Geographic Information Science (GIS) Specialist plays a critical role in the development, growth, and stability of the University […]
3.2.2019 18:58
PhD–POSITION URBAN MODELLING At SPINlab, dept. Spatial Economics Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands For the recently approved SIMITRI project (funded by JPI-Urban Europe and NSFC) we are looking for a PhD researcher that will develop an urban land use and transport modelling environment. Building on recent experience with of state-of-the-art land-use models applied in the […]
28.1.2019 11:37
The Committee on Geographical Sciences at the University of Chicago will offer a Concentration in Geographic Information Science as part of the flagship Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS), starting in Autumn 2019. MAPSS is a one-year (three quarters) 9-course program with a thesis requirement. The GIScience Concentration consists of 5 courses to develop: […]
22.1.2019 6:50
Dear members of the Copernicus Academy and representatives of the Copernicus Relays, We would like to share with you two news items: 1. The Summer School “Copernicus for Digital Earth” will take place from 23 June to 4 July 2019 in Salzburg, Austria. It will explore the potential of freely available satellite data with a focus on […]
22.1.2019 6:49
The Geoinformation Group at TU Vienna in Austria is looking for a Post-Doctoral researcher, starting the earliest possible. We would like you to contribute to our research in the areas of Human-Computer Interaction and Geographic Information Science. The position is not tied to a specific predetermined project. Some of the areas we are interested in are: spatial human-computer interaction, human […]
22.1.2019 6:48
Dear all, the University of Leicester is offering a fully funded PhD position to work with me, Dr Nick Tate and Dr Andrea Ballatore (Birkbeck, University of London) on charting the diverse geographies of User-Generated Content. Please see further information below and let me know if you have any questions or queries. Please feel free to forward […]
17.1.2019 6:19
Please see the attached ads for teaching positions available with the Spatial Sciences Institute at the University of Southern California for the 2019-20 year. Full-time positions – https://usccareers.usc.edu/job/los-angeles/full-time-teaching-track-faculty-positions-in-spatial-sciences/1209/10492637 Part-time positions – https://usccareers.usc.edu/job/los-angeles/part-time-teaching-track-faculty-positions-in-spatial-sciences/1209/10492642
17.1.2019 6:18
Post doc or PhD student position on geovisualisation of air quality in MegaSense programme. UAI Hope project funded by European Commission is hiring a post doc or PhD student depending on the applicants for 3 years to Department of Geosciences and Geography of the University of Helsinki. The research topic is real-time spatiotemporal modeling and geovisualisation […]
17.1.2019 6:16
ICA Scholarships The International Cartographic Association (ICA) is now considering applications for grants to support individuals in advancing their career in cartography and GIScience to the benefit of the ICA community. ICA scholarships for young scientists or professionals in cartography and GIScience can be used to participate in ICA events (International Cartographic Conferences, Regional Cartographic […]
14.1.2019 8:21
Dear colleagues, The A-WEAR European Joint Doctorate has just begun and we have opened a call for applications. A total of 15 positions are offered to candidates holding a recent Master’s degree. We would like to make you aware that some of the positions offered will especifically address research in positioning and localisation technologies. Please […]
14.1.2019 8:20
We in the Department of Forest Resources are recruiting a new remote sensing faculty member. This is a full time, nine month, tenure track assistant professor position. The position description is attached, and can also be viewed here: https://hr.myu.umn.edu/jobs/ext/328226. Note that we plan to begin reviewing applications at the end of this month. I’d appreciate your […]
20.12.2018 7:08
Overview of the position We are looking for a PhD student who will join the Social and Economic Geography (SEG) research group at the Geography Department of Ghent University. The appointed PhD student will work on the project titled “The happy commuter. A life-oriented approach of commuting satisfaction”, funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) […]
20.12.2018 7:08
Overview of the position We are looking for a PhD student who will join the Social and Economic Geography (SEG) research group at the Geography Department of Ghent University. The appointed PhD student will work on the project titled “The happy commuter. A life-oriented approach of commuting satisfaction”, funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) […]
15.11.2018 9:02
Job description https://ssl1.peoplexs.com/Peoplexs22/CandidatesPortalNoLogin/Vacancy.cfm?PortalID=4124&VacatureID=1012431 In the age of big data, geographic information has become a central means for data scientists of various disciplines to embed their analysis into a spatio-temporal context, from human mobility patterns and social inequality to the investigation of personal health. However, as the variety of data sources and software available on the […]
15.11.2018 9:02
Job description https://ssl1.peoplexs.com/Peoplexs22/CandidatesPortalNoLogin/Vacancy.cfm?PortalID=4124&VacatureID=1012431 In the age of big data, geographic information has become a central means for data scientists of various disciplines to embed their analysis into a spatio-temporal context, from human mobility patterns and social inequality to the investigation of personal health. However, as the variety of data sources and software available on the […]
15.11.2018 9:00
Job description https://ssl1.peoplexs.com/Peoplexs22/CandidatesPortalNoLogin/Vacancy.cfm?PortalID=4124&VacatureID=1012444 In the age of big data, geographic information has become a central means for data scientists of various disciplines to embed their analysis into a spatio-temporal context, from human mobility patterns and social inequality to the investigation of personal health. However, as the variety of data sources and software available on the […]
15.11.2018 9:00
Job description https://ssl1.peoplexs.com/Peoplexs22/CandidatesPortalNoLogin/Vacancy.cfm?PortalID=4124&VacatureID=1012444 In the age of big data, geographic information has become a central means for data scientists of various disciplines to embed their analysis into a spatio-temporal context, from human mobility patterns and social inequality to the investigation of personal health. However, as the variety of data sources and software available on the […]
7.11.2018 11:43
Lund University GIS Centre at the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science is one of the World’s leading centers in the field of Geographical Information Science. Besides strong scientific networks in Sweden, the centre has large international networks in Europe, USA, Australia, Africa, Middle East, and Central Asia. GIS Centre has been involved in […]
7.11.2018 11:43
Lund University GIS Centre at the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science is one of the World’s leading centers in the field of Geographical Information Science. Besides strong scientific networks in Sweden, the centre has large international networks in Europe, USA, Australia, Africa, Middle East, and Central Asia. GIS Centre has been involved in […]
7.11.2018 11:42
The Department of Geography at the University of Connecticut, Storrs seeks an outstanding scholar to fill a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in Geographic Information Science (GIScience) with an expected start date of August 2019. We are seeking applicants who specialize in spatial data science with a focus on one or more areas, viz., Geovisualization (e.g. webGIS, digital cartography, […]
7.11.2018 11:42
The Department of Geography at the University of Connecticut, Storrs seeks an outstanding scholar to fill a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in Geographic Information Science (GIScience) with an expected start date of August 2019. We are seeking applicants who specialize in spatial data science with a focus on one or more areas, viz., Geovisualization (e.g. webGIS, digital cartography, […]
7.11.2018 11:42
The Department of Geography at the University of Alabama is hiring for the tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in Political Ecology in the area of international illicit supply networks. The successful candidate’s research and teaching area of expertise will be in political ecology, or a closely related discipline, concerning one or more aspects of illicit […]
7.11.2018 11:42
The Department of Geography at the University of Alabama is hiring for the tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in Political Ecology in the area of international illicit supply networks. The successful candidate’s research and teaching area of expertise will be in political ecology, or a closely related discipline, concerning one or more aspects of illicit […]
7.11.2018 11:40
PhD position in cloud-based storage models for LiDAR data A doctoral candidate in computer science is sought to join an interdisciplinary, multinational team, to develop better risk communication tools for urban dwellers at risk of flooding. A PhD fellowship is offered in the School of Computer Sciences, University College Dublin. The position is funded through […]
7.11.2018 11:40
PhD position in cloud-based storage models for LiDAR data A doctoral candidate in computer science is sought to join an interdisciplinary, multinational team, to develop better risk communication tools for urban dwellers at risk of flooding. A PhD fellowship is offered in the School of Computer Sciences, University College Dublin. The position is funded through […]
7.11.2018 8:47
Specialista GIS v aplikaci pro životní prostředí Náplň práce: – analytická práce s prostorovými daty v aplikacích pro životní prostředí, – příprava tematických mapových podkladů, – podpora implementace Směrnice INSPIRE, – zajišťování správy Národního geoportálu INSPIRE, – příprava a publikace mapových služeb. Spolupráce při přípravě: – mapových podkladů pro Zprávu o životním prostředí ČR, Zprávy o životním prostředí […]
7.11.2018 8:47
Specialista GIS v aplikaci pro životní prostředí Náplň práce: – analytická práce s prostorovými daty v aplikacích pro životní prostředí, – příprava tematických mapových podkladů, – podpora implementace Směrnice INSPIRE, – zajišťování správy Národního geoportálu INSPIRE, – příprava a publikace mapových služeb. Spolupráce při přípravě: – mapových podkladů pro Zprávu o životním prostředí ČR, Zprávy o životním prostředí […]
29.10.2018 6:17
The Department of Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara invites applications for a tenured or tenure-track faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2019. The Department is looking for exceptional individuals with particular emphasis in the area of urban inequality and health disparities. Urban […]
29.10.2018 6:17
The Department of Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara invites applications for a tenured or tenure-track faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2019. The Department is looking for exceptional individuals with particular emphasis in the area of urban inequality and health disparities. Urban […]
25.10.2018 17:11
Blížící se termín odevzdání přihlášek na stipendijní pobyty: 10. 2018 proRusko 11. 2018 proNěmecko (DAAD) 11. 2018 proŠvýcarsko 11. 2018 do 12:00 hodin proMaďarsko Rusko nabízí celkem 15 stipendijních míst pro akademické pracovníky a pracovnice VŠ a 4 stipendijní místa pro studenty DSP. DAAD nabízí stipendia pro absolventy všech oborů, výzkumná stipendia pro studenty […]
25.10.2018 17:11
Blížící se termín odevzdání přihlášek na stipendijní pobyty: 10. 2018 proRusko 11. 2018 proNěmecko (DAAD) 11. 2018 proŠvýcarsko 11. 2018 do 12:00 hodin proMaďarsko Rusko nabízí celkem 15 stipendijních míst pro akademické pracovníky a pracovnice VŠ a 4 stipendijní místa pro studenty DSP. DAAD nabízí stipendia pro absolventy všech oborů, výzkumná stipendia pro studenty […]
25.10.2018 17:10
Job Announcement University of Colorado Boulder Libraries Geospatial Data Services Postdoctoral Fellowship The University of Colorado Boulder Libraries seeks applications for a 24-month postdoctoral fellowship to focus on creating a program of research support for the current and evolving geospatial research needs of faculty and students across disciplines. The Fellow will be instrumental in planning […]
25.10.2018 17:09
The cutting-edge Ph.D. program in Geospatial Analytics (go.ncsu.edu/geospatial-phd) at North Carolina State University’s Center for Geospatial Analytics (geospatial.ncsu.edu) is now accepting applications for Fall 2019 enrollment. Twelve fully funded graduate assistantships with $25,000 salary, benefits, and tuition support are available. The application deadline is February 1, 2019. The Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC […]
25.10.2018 17:08
https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/12173 Position Title : Visiting Assistant Professor in Geographic Information Science (GIS) The Department of Geography, University of Connecticut, invites applications for a one-year position of Visiting Assistant Professor in Geographic Information Science (GIS) starting in August 2019. The position is renewable annually subject to funding availability and satisfactory performance. This position will […]
25.10.2018 17:08
The School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at Arizona State University invites applications for one full-time, tenure-track, Assistant Professor position with an anticipated start date of August 2019. We are particularly interested in applicants with a research focus in geographic information science and expertise in advanced spatial analytical techniques. The successful candidate will join […]
16.10.2018 13:21
15.11. Den GIS na Katedře geoinformatiky Seminář s praktickými ukázkami na počítačové učebně. Jedná se o 2hod. blok, který bude obsahovat krátké představení GIS a následně praktické ukázky využití GIS. Začátek jednotlivých bloků budou: 8:00, 10:10 a 12:30, příp. 14:40 (max. 36 studentů na 1 blok). DŮLEŽITÉ: Kapacita akce je omezena – nutná registrace na: […]
16.10.2018 13:18
14.11. Den GIS ve Světě techniky Akce proběhne v prostorách Velkého světa techniky v Ostravě. 9:00 – malé povídání o GIS (doporučeno pro 2. stupeň ZŠ) 9:45 – krátká přednáška o GIS (doporučeno pro SŠ, VŠ) od 9:30 – akční blok: – expozice STC – ukázka geocachingu (start 10:30, Divadlo vědy) – lezecká stěna TENDON […]
10.10.2018 7:24
Funded PhD positions at Temple University Department of Geography and Urban Studies The Department of Geography and Urban Studies at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is accepting applications for the possibility of two funded doctoral position beginning January 2019. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until December 7, 2018. The doctoral program focuses […]
10.10.2018 7:23
The Department of Geography at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor specializing in geographic information science (GIScience). We are interested in candidates who will strengthen the department’s research and teaching program and help build strong connections to other relevant science communities. Candidates […]
9.9.2018 9:50
I’m looking for a postdoctoral research fellow to work the project on “Uncovering the Mechanisms of Migratory Bird Navigation with Big Data Analytics”, funded by Leverhulme Trust. The post-holder will undertake data science research and is expected to develop new data fusion methods for open geomagnetic and bird tracking data. The post holder will work […]
9.9.2018 9:49
The Urban Data Visualization Lab (UDVL) in the Department of Urban Planning and Policy (UPP), College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs (CUPPA) at the University of Illinois at Chicago invites applications for a full-time Geospatial Data Scientist position. Responsibilities will include managing research, service and teaching activities within the area of geospatial analysis and […]
30.7.2018 7:53
Ministerstvo vnitra vypsalo výběrová řízení na tři pozice v oddělení geoinformatiky v Praze. Více informací se dozvíte zde: http://www.mvcr.cz/clanek/vyberove-rizeni-na-sluzebni-misto-ministerskeho-rady-v-oddeleni-geoinformatiky.aspx http://www.mvcr.cz/clanek/vyberove-rizeni-na-sluzebni-misto-vrchniho-ministerskeho-rady-v-oddeleni-geoinformatiky-588510.aspx http://www.mvcr.cz/clanek/oeg-vyberove-rizeni-na-sluzebni-misto-vrchniho-ministerskeho-rady-v-oddeleni-geoinformatiky.aspx
26.7.2018 10:42
I’m looking for a candidate for a 3-year fully-funded PhD studentship in GIScience. The project is funded by the Leverhulme Trust and is a collaboration between the University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK and the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Radolfzell, Germany. The studentship starts in October 2018. The project will model how migratory birds […]
26.7.2018 10:40
The Sheridan Libraries and Museums seeks applications for the position of Geospatial Data Curator & Applications Administrator. This position implements and oversees geospatial data applications for academic and research use by JHU students, staff, and faculty and contributes to the curation of geospatial data. The position provides technical expertise and leadership in developing systems that support […]
26.7.2018 10:38
Please share the attached ad for a postdoctoral scholar position on land use/cover change, urban remote sensing, and GIS with potential candidates. See the link below for more information. https://geoplan.asu.edu/sites/default/files/ker_postdoc_ad.pdf Libby — Elizabeth Wentz Dean of Social Sciences, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Professor, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning wentz@asu.edu
26.7.2018 10:36
TEXAS, COLLEGE STATION. Texas A&M University. The Department of Geography invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Geographic Information Science at the Assistant Professor level. We seek applicants who address questions through a computational social science approach. The successful applicant must be able to teach advanced courses in GIS/CyberGIS (e.g. WebGIS, Spatial Databases, and/or […]
25.7.2018 13:16
Zeměměřičský úřad v Opavě hledá zaměstnance na pozici Geograf – kontrolor dat ZABAGED. Více informací naleznete zde.
6.7.2018 18:25
ChoroPhronesis, in collaboration with other groups such as Teaching and Learning with Technology, the Stuckeman Center for Design Computing, the Pulse of the Earth Lab (and others), at The Pennsylvania State University, are delighted to announce the opening of two postdoctoral research positions. The postdocs will be working in vibrant transdiciplinary teams that are addressing […]
4.7.2018 6:33
Application Deadline July 10th https://jobs.uic.edu/job-board/job-details?jobID=98073
25.6.2018 6:17
Zeměměřický úřad Praskova 11, 746 55, Opava Tel: +420 553 698 242 Mob: +420 730 543 442 Jan.Valchar@cuzk.cz
14.6.2018 9:09
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, College of Science & Engineering, Geographic Information Science Program, is seeking applications for a Professional Assistant Professor of Geographic Information Science position. The appointment will begin fall 2018. The successful candidate will be expected to teach Plane Spatial Measurement, Cadastral Systems in Texas and the US, History of the Settlement of […]
11.6.2018 8:09
The ad and application instruction are available on this webpage: http://cybergis.illinois.edu/career/research-programmers/. These (Sr.) Research Programmers are expected to join a dynamic team to make significant contributions to innovating big-data and high-performance geospatial software. Application deadline is June 18, 2018. Your help for spreading the word would be greatly appreciated.
11.6.2018 7:30
Lund University, Sweden, announce a new Associate Senior University Lecturer in Geomatics. See the link: https://lu.mynetworkglobal.com/en/what:job/jobID:206216/type:job/where:4/apply:1 Questions can be sent to lars.harrie@nateko.lu.se.
11.6.2018 7:29
The Department of Geography at Portland State University (PSU) invites applicants for a 9-month, full-time, non-tenure-track Instructor or Senior Instructor position in Geographic Information Science starting September 16, 2018. The position is renewable annually subject to funding availability and satisfactory performance. This position will contribute to our Geographic Techniques curricular, which includes Cartography, GIS, Remote […]
31.5.2018 14:46
We have now two open positions on geodata science at the Department of Geoinformatics and Cartography, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI): Research manager – https://www.valtiolle.fi/en-US/Vacancy?id=30-299-2018 We are offering the position of a research manager at the Department of Geoinformatics and Cartography at the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) at the National Land Survey for the fixed […]
31.5.2018 14:38
31.5.2018 14:37
2.5.2018 9:11
Zajímavá nabídka pro všechny nadšence geinformatiky: https://www.espauk.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Geographic-Information-System-GIS-Developer-Internship-LIVGI2401-1.pdf
23.4.2018 13:48
Vážení budoucí absolventi, inženýři, magistři, uvažujete o doktorském studiu? Podívejte se na přehled nabízených témat pro studium doktorského studijního oboru Geoinformatika. Využijte možnosti se zapojit do projektů, řešit do hloubky “svou” oblast, strávit čas v zahraničí na univerzitách v západní Evropě, poznejte svět skrze účasti na mezinárodních konferencích, vypilujte si angličtinu, prostě staňte se doktorem! […]
23.4.2018 6:57
At KU Leuven there is an academic vacancy (professor) in the field of Big (geospatial)data analysis: https://www.kuleuven.be/personeel/jobsite/jobs/54567601.
17.4.2018 14:44
Minulý týden (11.4.2018) naši katedru navštívilo celkem 16 studentů třetího ročníku z gymnázia Frýdlant nad Ostravicí. Škola si objednala program Geoinformatika komplet, tudíž jsme společně strávili 4×45 minut, naplněných jednak teoretickými přednáškami o UAV, DPZ, GPS a využití geoinformatiky, a aby to nebylo jenom teoretické, tak si studenti vyzkoušeli i práci s vektorovými a rastrovými […]
27.3.2018 14:49
http://employment.ku.edu/sr-geo-graphic-inform-analyst/11425br Position Overview The University of Kansas seeks a GIS Coordinator to be responsible for the development and implementation of geographic information systems (GIS) solutions and standards. This individual will participate on IT projects requiring GIS data, define data needs with business users, assist with collection of field survey data, and develop and maintain […]
27.3.2018 14:46
Jedná se o pozici CAD/GIS specialista na oddělení Praha – mapový server. Práce se software Bentley MIcrostation, PowerCivil, MGEO, ArcGIS, QGIS, FME a další. Náplň práce je různorodá, od spolupráce s geodety, kontroly a zpracování jejich měření přes správu provozních dokumentací a s tím spojených GIS analýz až po správu mapových webových služeb a spolupráci na testování a […]
27.3.2018 11:13
Již od roku 1998 se pravidelně koná na institutu geoinformatiky studentská konference GISáček, nejinak tomu bylo i letos. Konference, je určená studentům vysokých škol v oblasti geoinformatiky, kteří zde mají možnost prezentovat výsledky svých odborných studentských prací. Pro studenty je tato akce dobrou příležitostí, jak představit své práce a dovednosti porotě, která je složena ze zástupců […]
27.3.2018 11:13
Již od roku 1998 se pravidelně koná na katedrau geoinformatiky studentská konference GISáček, nejinak tomu bylo i letos. Konference, je určená studentům vysokých škol v oblasti geoinformatiky, kteří zde mají možnost prezentovat výsledky svých odborných studentských prací. Pro studenty je tato akce dobrou příležitostí, jak představit své práce a dovednosti porotě, která je složena ze zástupců […]
27.3.2018 11:13
Již od roku 1998 se pravidelně koná na katedry geoinformatiky studentská konference GISáček, nejinak tomu bylo i letos. Konference, je určená studentům vysokých škol v oblasti geoinformatiky, kteří zde mají možnost prezentovat výsledky svých odborných studentských prací. Pro studenty je tato akce dobrou příležitostí, jak představit své práce a dovednosti porotě, která je složena ze zástupců […]
21.3.2018 5:16
Lund University, department of physical geography and ecosystem science Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s top 100 universities. The University has 4o 000 students and 7 400 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts to understand, explain and improve our world and […]
15.3.2018 20:43
Agentura ESPA nám poslala zajímavou nabídku na 6měsíční stáž v GIS firmě ve městě Bath na jihozápadě Velké Británie, více informací zde: https://www.espauk.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Geographic-Information-System-GIS-Developer-Internship-LIVGI2401.pdf
12.3.2018 19:05
Job Title: Research Project Coordinator II Posting Summary: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is seeking a Research Project Coordinator II to specialize in Geographic Information System (GIS) implementation and work under the guidance and direction of the Assistant Director of University Planning and Development. This position is responsible for a variety of tasks […]
12.3.2018 19:05
2-year fixed-term Research Fellow in GI science: http://yourcareer.rmit.edu.au/caw/en/job/562622/research-fellow
12.3.2018 19:04
We have an opening for a group leader position within an interdisciplinary research program on “Language and Space”. We are looking for a highly motivated scientist with a PhD degree who is actively pursuing research on the interface of GIScience and linguistics. It would be great if you could pass on this position announcement […]
12.3.2018 19:01
Brown University announces a search for the position of Associate Director of the research initiative on Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences. More information on the program is available at here. This is a 10-month per year position, with potential for salary during summer from external grants, beginning September 1, 2018. The Associate Director will participate in […]
27.2.2018 9:22
The Department of Geography at the University at Buffalo is seeking outstanding applicants for a tenure-track faculty position (Assistant Professor) in Geographic Information Sciences (GIScience). The department is seeking highly qualified candidates who demonstrate, or show promise of establishing, a strong analytical research program in GIScience, which may include such topics as spatial data science, […]
20.2.2018 10:24
In the context of a DFG-funded Research Training Group (RTG) SocialCars, the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics (ikg) offers A position of a Doctoral Researchers (salary scale 13TV-L, 3 years) starting at 1.4.2018. The overall objective of the SocialCars RTG is to research new methods and applications of decentralized, cooperative traffic management. The SocialCars RTG […]
13.2.2018 7:25
The Department of Geography at the University at Buffalo is seeking outstanding applicants for a tenure-track faculty position (Assistant Professor) in Geographic Information Sciences (GIScience). The department is seeking highly qualified candidates who demonstrate, or show promise of establishing, a strong analytical research program in GIScience, which may include such topics as spatial data science, […]
10.2.2018 8:46
Doktorandský študijný program Geoinformatika a diaľkový prieskum Zeme je jediný študijný program v odbore Geoinformatika na Slovensku. Ústav geografie má vynikajúce personálne a materiálne predpoklady na realizáciu tohto študijného programu. Pre úspešnú realizáciu doktorandského štúdia je nevyhnutný kvalitný medzinárodný výskum. Ústav geografie realizuje viacero výskumných projektov, garanti a pracovníci publikujú v kvalitných zahraničných časopisoch. http://geografia.science.upjs.sk/index.php/study/doktorandske-studium-phd
2.2.2018 17:01
Das Institut für Kartografie und Geoinformation der ETH Zürich entwickelt im Auftrag des Bundes den nationalen ATLAS DER SCHWEIZ (www.atlasderschweiz.ch). Der interaktive ATLAS DER SCHWEIZ hat sich weltweit als Spitzenprodukt der Kartografie etabliert. Die aktuelle Version wurde in einem mehrjährigen Projekt als online 3D-Atlas mit OpenSource-Frameworks neu entwickelt. Für die Weiterentwicklung des Atlasprojekts suchen wir […]
2.2.2018 16:55
Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) and GIScience Research Group In the context of research projects at HeiGIT and the GIScience Research Group we offer the position of a Software Developer Geoinformation Technology in Heidelberg (full-time or part-time). Depending on your experience the tasks are related to at least one of the following areas: Development and […]
2.2.2018 16:53
The University of Calgary’s Schulich School of Engineering invites applications for an appointment with tenure at the rank of Professor to serve as the Department Head,Geomatics Engineering. This is a key leadership position within the Schulich School of Engineering (SSE). The Department Head appointment is a five-year term, renewable and subject to review. The Schulich School of Engineering (SSE) is a leader […]
2.2.2018 16:51
http://bit.ly/SmithSDAposition Contribute to a growing team of partners including faculty, librarians, and educational technologists focused on building capacity in spatial analysis and spatial data visualization within the library and across campus. Advance knowledge and skills in spatial science within the Library’s Teaching, Learning, and Research (TLR) team to support spatial thinking and spatial literacy across […]
17.1.2018 8:02
You genuinely enjoy developing open source Geoinformation Services used by thousands on a daily basis? You are a highly motivated Java Backend Developer and algorithm designer? And you love using and enhancing OpenStreetMap for high-performance GI services for global coverage? Then we actually might have a suitable and interesting job for you. In order to promote […]
15.1.2018 8:03
The Committee on Geographical Sciences at the University of Chicago invites applications for a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer position in Geographic Information Science (GIS). Review of applications will begin January 21, 2018 and will continue until the position is filled or the search is closed. More Information about the positions: Lecturer: https://spatial.uchicago.edu/sites/spacial-data.uchicago.edu/files/UChicago_Lecturer.pdf Senior Lecturer: https://spatial.uchicago.edu/sites/spacial-data.uchicago.edu/files/UChicago_Senior_Lecturer.pdf Luc Anselin, PhD […]
5.1.2018 11:41
The PhD student will be working in the ALEXANDER project that intends to develop a design tool for automatically generating living structure, which is characterized by far more small things than large ones globally and more or less similar things locally, for biophilic urban design. It aims to develop a suite of differentiating algorithms to […]
22.12.2017 8:15
18.12.2017 10:06
Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Arizona State University (ASU) invites applications for the position of Executive Director of Social, Economic, and Environmental Community Resilience at ASU. https://geoplan.asu.edu/sites/default/files/seer_ed_long_ad_final_for_publication.pdf
14.12.2017 10:33
https://icts.kuleuven.be/apps/jobsite/#/vacatures/54471819 The Spatial Applications Division Leuven (SADL) is an R&D-Division of KU Leuven. SADL was created with the aim to bundle the applied research, the professional training and the scientific consultancy of KU Leuven, in the fields of Geographic Information Systems (GI/GIS), Earth Observation (EO) and Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). SADL envisages the combination and […]
10.12.2017 19:55
The following Adjunct faculty position is available. “System Architecture for Enterprise GIS” instructor, master’s level course, fully online, Fall 2018 The MS Program in Geographic Information Systems in the Advanced Academic Programs of Johns Hopkins University’s Krieger School of Arts and Sciences seeks an instructor to teach a fully online course in System Architecture for […]
6.12.2017 14:35
Dear colleague as you might know, Politecnico di Milano has started a new Master of Science in Geoinformatics Engineering: it is a two years program, it is the first one in Italy and is taught in English. Nowadays, many B. Sc. graduates chose to continue their Master studies in a different University, sometimes in a […]
6.12.2017 10:49
Department of Geography & Atmospheric Science, at the University of Kansas is seeking one graduate student assistant at the PhD level specializing in Geographic Information Science, starting from Fall 2018. We are particularly interested in recruiting students with research interests in areas such as: Network analysis Location modeling and spatial Optimization Remote Sensing and Image […]
6.12.2017 9:54
Description of the position The Amsterdam Institute of Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS) has funded a postdoc position in our research group to integrate data from two main information domains that maintain and collect (3D)data about the built environment: BIM (building information modelling) and Geographic Information (Geo). The project aims to develop a fundamental solution to integrate models […]
6.12.2017 8:54
The Spatial Analytic Framework for Advanced Information Systems (SAFARIS) team at North Carolina State University seeks two creative, motivated Ph.D. students with interests in quantitative modeling of biological invasions to join an interdisciplinary group developing spatial models and techniques to forecast movement of plant pests and diseases. The positions will begin Fall 2018 and are […]
6.12.2017 8:53
Position Opening Research Scientist Geoinformatics, University of Salzburg Spatio-temporal Analysis for Migration Research The Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS (division GIScience) at University of Salzburg, offers a researcher position (100%, payment according to collective agreement – “Kollektivvertrag für die Arbeitnehmer/innen der Universitäten”) to be filledASAP. The main task is to carry out high-quality research in the […]
6.12.2017 8:51
Dr. Adam Terando with the Southeast Climate Science Center and Dr. Ross K. Meentemeyer at North Carolina State University are seeking a creative, motivated Ph.D. student with quantitative modeling interests to join an interdisciplinary team investigating the dynamics of urbanization and landscape change in the Southeast US. The position will begin Fall 2018 and is […]
4.12.2017 19:00
GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SCIENTISTS Graduate Research Assistantship Available at West Virginia University The West Virginia GIS Technical Center (http://www.wvgis.wvu.edu), housed in the Department of Geology and Geography at West Virginia University, is seeking at least one graduate research assistant at the Masters or Ph.D. level, specializing in Geographic Information Science. At a minimum, applicants should have […]
26.11.2017 20:57
https://themes.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pages/view/170755/3-post-doc-positions-open As the science and knowledge service of the Commission, the mission of DG Joint Research Centre is to support EU policies with independent evidence throughout the whole policy cycle. The JRC is located in 5 Member States (Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain). Further information is available at: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/ The JRC has recently […]
24.11.2017 9:12
https://www.uni-hannover.de/en/aktuell/stellenangebote/jobboerse/detail/luhjobs/1838/ The Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science invites applications for a Junior Professorship (Salary Scale W1 NBesO) in Big Geospatial Data starting on April 1, 2018. The position is limited to three years (with an extension option for a further three years). Today’s ubiquitous mobile sensors […]
24.11.2017 8:36
http://www.stillinger.aau.dk/vis-stilling/?vacancy=941946 At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Planning, Copenhagen campus, a position as Assistant Professor in Geoinformatics is open for appointment from 1 February 2018 or soon hereafter. The initial appointment for this position will be for 3 years, with possibility of extension. The field of the Department for Planning includes […]
24.11.2017 8:35
(BAP-2017-621) Applications should be submitted online: https://icts.kuleuven.be/apps/jobsite/vacatures/54447815 Candidatures until 6/12/2017 The Spatial Applications Division Leuven (SADL) is an R&D-Division of KU Leuven. SADL was created with the aim to bundle the applied research, the professional training and the scientific consultancy of KU Leuven, in the Geographic Information Systems (GI/GIS), the Earth Observation (EO) and the […]
12.11.2017 18:36
https://themes.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pages/view/163753/position-open-project-officer-%E2%80%93-scientific-%E2%80%93-space-data-economy As the science and knowledge service of the Commission, the mission of DG Joint Research Centre is to support EU policies with independent evidence throughout the whole policy cycle. The JRC is located in 5 Member States (Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain). Further information is available at: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/ The Digital Economy Unit provides […]
8.11.2017 21:54
The Vukomanovic Lab at North Carolina State University seeks a creative, motivated Ph.D. student with strong analytical and communication skills to join a team investigating land change and ecosystem services. The position will begin Fall 2018 and is funded for four years at $25,000/year, plus benefits and tuition support, through the cutting-edge Ph.D. program in Geospatial Analytics offered by NC […]
23.10.2017 5:34
Faculty/Services Faculty of Science, Agriculture & Engineering Unit SAgE Technical Services Sub Unit TS Engineering Staff Category Technical & IT Contract Type Open Ended Hours of Work Full Time Location Newcastle upon Tyne Salary: £24,983 to £26,495 (with progression to £28,936) Closing Date: 25 October 2017 Working predominantly with members of the Geomatics Group within the School […]
23.10.2017 5:29
Dear all, The call for scholarship students in our Erasmus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies for the academic course 2018-2019 is now open – over 20 scholarships are available. The Erasmus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies – recognized as the second best master’s degree in Technology in 2017 by the El Mundo ranking and endorsed […]
20.10.2017 6:41
Graduate Research Opportunities in GIScience and GIS http://giscience.geog.ucsb.edu/ The Department of Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara invites graduate student applications for MA/Ph.D. and Ph.D. positions in the areas of modeling, measurement, and computation. The department is internationally recognized for its excellence and leadership in Geographic Information Science (GIScience) and Geographic Information Systems […]
19.10.2017 12:24
Společnost Tieto s.r.o. nabízí placené místo stážisty na projekt zabývající se testováním nad ESRI založené webové aplikace. Zájemci mohou zaslat svůj životopis na: david.bezdek@tieto.com Tester GIS aplikací Pracovní náplň: Manuální testování aplikací (spouštění test cases, exploratorní testy, regresní testy, reportování chyb, spolupráce s vývojovým týmem). Automatické testování aplikací (spouštění testovacích skriptů, vyhodnocení nalezených chyb). Vývoj a údržba […]
16.10.2017 8:42
http://giscience.geog.ucsb.edu/ The Department of Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara invites graduate student applications for MA/Ph.D. and Ph.D. positions in the areas of modeling, measurement, and computation. The department is internationally recognized for its excellence and leadership in Geographic Information Science (GIScience) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Students work in a dynamic, collaborative, […]
15.10.2017 23:14
We have an opening for a fully funded PhD student position in the areas of location-based services and indoor navigation. This PhD project aims to develop a methodology and computational model to provide human-centered navigation guidance to aid wayfinding in complex indoor environments. The deadline for applications is 1 December 2017. It would be great […]
12.10.2017 7:04
https://www.muni.cz/o-univerzite/kariera-na-mu/volna-mista/36426 Pracoviště Divize informačních systémů – Ústav výpočetní techniky Termín přihlášek 9. 11. 2017 Nástup dle dohody Místo poštovní adresy hlásíte souřadnice GPS? Za nejlepší mapu v historii považujete tu digitální? Pak čtěte dále: Hledáme koordinátora a integrátora interních i externích projektů webových GISů. Vyvíjíme mapové a vizualizační aplikace určené desítkám tisíc uživatelů na Masarykově […]
11.10.2017 10:01
The Department of Geography at the University of Oregon invites applications for two tenure-track positions at the ranks of Assistant and Associate Professor in the area of Data Science for Social Equity, to begin in fall 2018. We seek candidates who specialize in spatial data science, including (but not limited to) big data, spatial data […]
11.10.2017 10:00
The cutting-edge Ph.D. program in Geospatial Analytics (go.ncsu.edu/geospatial-phd) at North Carolina State University’s Center for Geospatial Analytics (geospatial.ncsu.edu) is now accepting applications for Fall 2018 enrollment. Twelve fully funded graduate assistantships with $25,000 salary, benefits, and tuition support are available. The application deadline is February 1, 2018. The Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State […]
11.10.2017 10:00
The George Mason University Department of Geography and Geoinformation Science (GGS) invites applications for a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor position beginning August 2018. George Mason University has a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of excellence and diversity among its faculty and staff, and strongly encourages candidates to apply who will enrich Mason’s academic and culturally […]
9.10.2017 18:26
Pracoviště Divize informačních systémů – Ústav výpočetní techniky Termín přihlášek 25. 10. 2017 Nástup dle dohody https://www.muni.cz/o-univerzite/kariera-na-mu/volna-mista/36266 Zapojte se do týmu vývojářů webových GISů a pracujte s námi na vývoji mapových a vizualizačních aplikací. Vaše práce přinese desítkám tisíc uživatelů na Masarykově univerzitě i mimo ni orientaci v prostorách univerzity a vizualizaci jejich vybavení. Základní podmínky: Pracoviště: […]
5.10.2017 20:13
The University of Southern California Spatial Sciences Institute, located in Los Angeles, California, invites applicants for one or more part-time teaching-track faculty positions in the ranks of lecturer, assistant professor (teaching), associate professor (teaching), professor (teaching), assistant adjunct professor of the practice, associate adjunct professor of the practice and adjunct professor of the practice, for […]
5.10.2017 20:12
The University of Southern California Spatial Sciences Institute, located in Los Angeles, California, invites applicants for one or more full-time teaching-track faculty positions in the ranks of lecturer, assistant professor (teaching), associate professor (teaching), professor (teaching), assistant professor of the practice, associate professor of the practice and professor of the practice, for the 2018-2019 academic […]
5.10.2017 20:11
Graduate student opportunities in GIScience in the Department of Geography, Society, and Environment at the University of Minnesota NOW RECRUITING MGIS, MA AND PHD STUDENTS The Department of Geography, Society, and Environment at the University of Minnesota invites students to apply for MA and PhD positions in Geography with a specialization in Geographic Information Science […]
27.6.2016 10:00
Máme nové logo. K jeho vytvoření jsme využili crowdsourcing, přesněji řečeno stránku 99designs.com, kde jsme z více jak 100 návrhů vybrali toto nové logo, jehož autorem je grafik z Casablanky v Maroku. Snad se vám líbí! Staré logo nám sloužilo více jak 20 let a již si zaslouží designerské nebe.
23.6.2016 13:15
Správa Krkonošského národního parku Dobrovského 3 543 01 Vrchlabí hledá vhodného kandidáta na pozici Specialista GIS a GNSS.
10.6.2016 8:30
Agentura CzechInvest v rámci realizace programu ESA BIC Prague propaguje nejen program samotný, ale také navazující iniciativy Evropské kosmické agentury. Jednou z nich je právě běžící Earth Observation Entrepreneurship Initiative (EOEI), soutěž, v rámci které mohou nejen studenti získat inovační voucher na služby a konzultace, které jim pomohou připravit žádost do ESA BIC Prague na produkt využívající data z dálkového sledování Země.
7.6.2016 8:56
The Institute for Cartography and Geoinformatics (ikg) at the Leibniz Universität Hannover has an opening for a Junior Professorship (Salary scale W 1) in Big Geospatial Data, starting January, 1st, 2017.
6.6.2016 11:24
Soutěž GeoPainting na akci Kopřivnické dny techniky